Friday, 31 July 2009


Follow the campaign's presentation to South Gloucestershire Council on the 20 May 09, a totally negative response was received from Cllr Brian Allinson on the 20 July. As a result a further presentation was made to the Council on the 29 July. The full text of the statement is as follows,

Reference my presentation to your meeting on the 20 May.

The draft minutes did not mention my written statement or the summary I presented at the meeting.

My supplementary questions were only summarised.

I see that your review has not amended the minutes.

I have recently received your response to my statement and petition Cllr Allinson. This weak response fails to listen to reasoned argument and is full of bureaucratic platitudes.

on Page 1

When the permanent Order was confirmed in April 96, it was stated that, “Suitable alternative routes for heavy traffic are available using motorway or "A" class roads”. The Order was based on a false premise and the responsibility rests with this Council, not Avon.

The weight limit is currently rescinded to permit the reconstruction of the railway bridge to the same substandard alignment and pinch point as the old bridge. A deliberate decision by you Councillor to save £100,000 pounds.

Your argument that the weight limit is used to effect the speed limit in Hallen is absurd. Speeding vehicles are controlled by speed limits, traffic calming measures and safety cameras, not weight restrictions.

The weight limit is defended by a minority at the expense of the children and young people of Bristol. This Council as a member of the West of England Partnership has a greater responsibility.

on Page 2

At your last meeting I explained that my submission to Bristol included creating a new weight limit on Hallen Road, to prevent a through route between Bristol and Severnside. Obviously you were not listening last time. I trust you are listening today.

Why Cllr Allinson have you selectively chosen only two of the routes used by the tankers in Bristol to carry out your analysis. There are four separate routes, therefore your analysis is nonsense.

The routes through Bristol have a considerably higher risk of an accident, a higher population density, greater direct pedestrian and vehicle access onto the routes, and have a large school population.

I am pleased that you have taken on board the North Somerset pipeline alternatives outlined in my submission in May. However Hallen depot is within this Council’s boundary, this is your problem not Bristol’s. You cannot deal with your problems Councillor by sending them over the boundary.

It was South Gloucester that all too easily complied with the MoD's request, when Crown immunity relating to the storage and transportation of hazardous substances expired. By contrast North Somerset resisted.

You cannot simply pick up the tax revenue generated from the depot and the land fill site and pass all your transport problems on to others.

This Executive should be ashamed that it selfishly lets down its partner in the West of England Partnership. Have you not read the Joint Local Transport Plan? Do you not listen to the Government Office for the South West.

This Executive should also be ashamed that it lets down the Conservative Party under whose banner it sits.

I would also argue that under the aims of the West of England Partnership, your Executive Member for Children and Young People also has a partnership responsibility to the children and young people of Bristol.

Cllr Allinson, Cllr Cook, I do not intend to go away, I shall be back to haunt you on a regular basis until common sense prevails, you enter into a sensible dialogue, and this selfish weight restriction is removed.

The residents of North West Bristol demand that both Councils enter into a sensible dialogue with each other and the residents, to find a mutually acceptable solution, to resolve this long standing problem. Other options are available to prevent Hallen and North West Bristol becoming a long term through route between Bristol and Severnside.

Come on elected Councillors show us that you represent local people, show us that you justify the expenses you claim. Show us that the West of Englnd Partnership is more than platitudes.

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