Wednesday, 19 August 2009


Following the recent publication and circulation of Henbury Ward Councillor Mark Weston's local newsletter, e-mails supporting the Campaign are beginning to flood into the inbox at We thought you would like to read a few.

"Having enjoyed walking up to Blaise each evening from Springwood Drive these past few weeks Monday night we were back to being frightened to death by not one but two tankers hurtling down towards Hallen. The noise of them going past us at quite a speed really made us jump and spooked the dog. They went round the traffic calming island so fast and then saw them brake quite sharply on the bend before the bridge as a car was coming the other way.

If they have to come our way, which they should not, surely the speed limit has to be brought right down as they feel as though they are sucking you under as they pass.

I have complained to the Council about the state of the overgrown pavement on the sharp bend into Avonmouth Way as there is almost no room to walk on the pavement because of the brambles and stinging nettles and with a lot of people pushing prams it is so dangerous. As yet nothing has been done!

I hope this email will help with more evidence that tankers should not be on this road and it is only a matter of time before something horrendous happens.

Keep up the good work".

"I would like to sign the petition to stop/reduce the number of tankers passing through Hallen and Henbury – fuel should certainly be sourced as locally as possible, particularly given that the fuel currently transported from the depot at Hallen is damaging the environment even further by being driven to the airport (adding in road miles). In addition, the tankers rapidly damage the roads – I’m sure it won’t be long before the lovely newly-laid roundabout on station road is once again a bumpy mess, and the tankers are extremely noisy, particularly when revving up the hill on Hallen Road.

Thank you for listening".

"I live in Hallen Road opposite the Grade 1 listed cottages of Blaise Hamlet. Tankers and other HGV's are indeed a great problem for us. Not long ago my very elderly neighbours in Hallen Road specifically mentioned to me that they were having a real problem from the continual explosive bangs when they were in their garden (even the rear). It is not just the presence of the HGV's, but the fact that the road surface has become very uneven on our downhill stretch, due to manhole covers aligned with the wheel tracks and humps from imperfectly repaired and resurfaced roadworks. HGV's come swinging round the top corner and accelerate sharply on the downhill strech. The loads of some bounce up and down generating a series of explosive booms 24 hours a day. We believe that it would be instructive for the council to undertake some speed monitoring on these vehicles. We think that speed cameras and careful road resurfacing should be considered as well as weight limits and re-routing measures.

We strongly support any measures that have a real impact on this problem".

Thank you all. Please can everyone who has an opinion on this important issue let us have your thoughts to add to the original 350 signature petition submitted to both Bristol City and South Gloucestershire Council's. This fight will continue until we can report success.

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