Saturday, 15 August 2009


After receiving our minutes of the first meeting since the Campaign's presentation to Bristol City Council on the 28 April 2009, on the 6 August 2009, Cllr Rogers responded on the 14 August as shown below, Traffic Manager Terry Bullock did not acknowledge or respond.

Thank you for your time last week and for your notes.

I am afraid that I have not had the opportunity to review the notes from the meeting line by line, but perhaps I can offer my summary from the meeting, including actions?

(1) I confirmed that there had been officer dialogue between Bristol and S Gloucestershire.

(2) I confirmed that I had spoken informally on the matter with Cllr Brian Allinson in person. I have not spoken with him on this matter on the phone.

(3) At our meeting, all four of us were supportive of extending the weight restriction to the Bristol border. We did say that if we remained one Authority, then that would be the best overall solution.

(4) Mr Little named Cllr Sheila Cook as being obstructive to the extension of the restriction to the border with Bristol. I did agree that I considered the problem was one for South Gloucester rather than Bristol.

(5) I stated that in my view it was a "political problem" and as such might benefit from cross party involvement of ward councillors - I suggested Mark Weston and also the Conservative PPC Charlotte Leslie. It would normally be the ward councillors who would take a lead on this, and being in the same party as the S Gloucestershire administration, might be better placed to make progress.

(5) I did agree to write formally to my counterpart in South Gloucestershire. I will copy you all in on that letter. I anticipate writing that letter in the next two weeks.

(6) Paul Harrod agreed to explore the political aspect, with councillor colleagues.

If any of you have any points that you wish me to make in my letter to Cllr Allinson, then please do pass them to me.

Did we all attend the same meeting?

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